Monday, December 9, 2013

Some Christmas Postcards

I like to go to antique co-ops but I don't always find a doll worthy of buying.  A little item that doesn't cost much, doesn't take up a lot of space, and feeds my need for visual stimulation is the post card.  Here are two from my collection for Christmas.   The one on the left is postmarked 1907.  The other says 1920.
The little verse reads
   May Santa have treasures for you in store.
      All that you wish for and even more,
   So that your Christmas be full of joy,
      Goodies delight you, and many a toy.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Surprise Paper Doll Find

Surprise Findings
   I love wandering through antique co-ops.  You never know what you might find.  On a recent trip I found two interesting cut paper doll sets.  I like cut sets and even though I know they are seldom complete, they make good additions to my research on fashion history.
   One set I found had a glamour puss paper doll named Lola Talley.  Who the heck was she?  I wanted to know more so I searched the web.  The story is in the latest issue of Doll Castle News.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I made a video of my paper doll art.  It is available on YouTube as Lauren Welker's Original Paper Dolls.